1st – October 22nd

Expired Plans, 1st

Animal Live Cam Padlet

Follow this link to show the Animal Live Cam Padlet, or use the embedded one below.

Made with Padlet
  1. View several live cams using the link in SeeSaw.
  2. Pick one animal and draw a picture using pencil and colored pencil. Do the background.
  3. One page 2 in Seesaw, take a photo of your animal drawing.
  4. On page 3 use the microphone to record what you noticed and wondered about the animal.

When you are done with all other SeeSaw assignments, remember to click the green check to turn them in. THEN you can go to the Code.Org link and complete coding puzzles. Here is a link to the SeeSaw Code.org assignment. In SeeSaw, use the microphone tool to tell me about what you did during that time.