5th Grade Intro

5th Grade Intro

Welcome to 5th grade, 2023-24.

We will be advancing our skills in science notebooking, making observations, design thinking, and working as part of a team. 

This will be your last year at Vista Grande – make it a great one!

4th Grade Intro

4th Grade Intro

Did you know that I used to teach 4th grade? While I have also taught 5th, 2nd, and 3rd/4th combo, I really consider myself a 4th grade teacher (at least if I weren’t doing STEAM). 

As with every year, 4th grade will be doing the same things that 5th grade (and 3rd grade) is doing. We will continue to grow our skills at science notebooking, observations, design thinking, and more. 

3rd Grade Intro

3rd Grade Intro

Even though I consider myself a former 4th grade teacher, 3rd grade is actually one of my favorite grades. 

I have taught two 3rd/4th combos in the past – when I first started teaching. Year 1 – 3rd/4th combo. Year 2 – 5th. Year 3 – 3rd/4th combo. That was before I came to Vista Grande. 

I choose this Bitmoji image with cats because I have 4 cats at my house. Strider (though everyone calls him “Chunky”), Nelly, Speck (also called “Rattie”), and Petunia. 

2nd Grade Intro

2nd Grade Intro

2nd grade is the first year that we will make regular use of the computers and will explore more than just BookCreator. We will set you up in Google Classroom and learn how to navigate the computer while using it for science and engineering. 

We will also continue to practice science notebooking, observation skills, and designing. 

Hope that this year will be fun!

1st Grade Intro

1st Grade Intro

Hello first graders! This will be the first year that you get to bring computers to my classroom. We are not ready quite yet to start that, but we will be bringing them in to use for lots of different things. It will take a while to get used to logging in and how to navigate computers. but you will get the hang of it. 

This will help us for many years to come. Computers are not just something to play games on – they are tools for learning and discovery!